Academic Calendar

Current Year Calendar

Visit the Academic Calendar page for this year’s academic calendar.

Additional Calendar Notes:

Day of Gracious Living (DOGL)

During each spring quarter you will see that there is a student‐determined ‘holiday ’of sorts called The Day of Gracious Living (DOGL). Professors cancel classes on this day (you will be notified the day before it occurs). It is usually on a MWF, and is usually during week 6, 7,or If you have a MWF class, you may want to put a TBA day on your syllabus that you can move depending on when DOGL is, or just know that something may have to be moved or cut to accommodate losing that day of class.

Severe Weather

Closures for severe weather are unusual, but occasionally do occur. Official closings will be announced on the College’s web portal and may also be communicated via the College’s K‐Alert system. Between 5pm and 8am, the college may also notify certain local radio and television stations.

Classroom Assistance

If you arrive for class and your room is locked, call Campus Safety: 269.337.7321

If your media equipment is not working, call Media: 7138 (during class or after hours)