Faculty Development Opportunities

Faculty Development Opportunities

Other Funding Options

International travel grants may be available from the Center for International Programs.

One‐Quarter Academic Leaves:

During the academic year, the Provost will offer one‐quarter, full‐pay Academic Leaves to two faculty members for the purpose of furthering or completing a professional project. For tenured faculty, preference is given to those whose sabbatical year is more than two years past. For tenure‐track faculty the first retention review must be successfully completed before being eligible for either of these leaves. Tenure‐track faculty should remember that if they choose to take a one‐quarter leave, they are not eligible for the post‐3rd‐year review leave. If there are any questions about this, please contact the Provost.

See the Grant and Leave Guidelines for more information.

Year‐Long Leaves:

Following at least six years of full‐time service to the College and/or associated professional activities in College‐approved programs or the equivalent, a faculty member is eligible to apply for one‐quarter’s leave (at full pay), two quarters’ leave (at 8/9 annual pay), or three quarters’ leave (at 2/3 annual pay). Among the criteria for the granting of sabbatical leaves are the following: quality of the proposed project, schedule of previous leaves, evidence of productivity on previous leaves, and likelihood of long‐range contribution of the leave to the enrichment of the College environment. Faculty members requesting sabbaticals are expected to investigate sources for outside funding and to work with departments in guaranteeing that their teaching and other obligations may be effectively covered in their absence.

See the Grant and Leave Guidelines for more information.