Faculty Study
On the first Friday of each academic quarter, we host a celebration of our faculty and their research activities. Typically, two faculty members from different departments share a 15-20 minute synopsis of their work followed by a Q&A session. Visit the Faculty Study page for a list of past and upcoming participants.
Faculty Teaching and Learning Events
Organized by the Teaching and Learning Committee, the faculty teach gatherings are held during the term. These offer an opportunity for faculty to gather and discuss topics of common interest related to teaching.
Grant Assistance
The Director of Faculty Grants and Institutional Research assists faculty with identifying and pursuing research grants. Visit the Faculty Grants website.
Policies Related to Externally Funded Research
Policies for handling allegations of research misconduct, disclosing financial conflicts of interest (policy and form), and training students in the responsible conduct of research can be found on the Faculty Grants Policies page.
Related Links
- Faculty Handbook
- Department and Program Chair Handbook
- Faculty Search Procedures and Guidelines
- Faculty List
- Faculty List by Division
- Department Chairs, Program Directors & Class Deans List
- Faculty Committees
- Faculty Rental Housing Information – The college owns some houses in the immediate neighborhood which are leased to incoming faculty on a first-come, first-serve basis, with preference given to new tenure-track faculty.
- Lucasse Awards Recipients
- Faculty Salary Direct Comparison Data