Kalamazoo College invites applications for a 1-year post-doctoral position beginning in Fall 2023 in the Anthropology and Sociology Department. This position, funded by a Mellon“Humanities for All Times” grant, is intended for a new or recent Ph.D. graduate in Sociology or Anthropology (degree conferral within five years of start date). The area of specialization and geographic focus are open, and the candidate will teach one class per term (1-1-1). Priority will be given to candidates with experience in, or willingness to design courses that emphasize place-based learning.
The successful candidate will have demonstrated a high aptitude for and interest in undergraduate teaching, a commitment to the liberal arts, and outstanding potential in research. We encourage applications from candidates whose intellectual and pedagogical approaches are effective in attracting and retaining students from historically underrepresented groups. The successful applicant will demonstrate a strong commitment to working with students, faculty and staff from diverse social, cultural, and economic backgrounds. Salary is competitive and consistent with level of experience.
Kalamazoo College is a nationally known liberal arts college of approximately 1,450 students. The academic calendar includes three ten-week teaching terms with a month-long December break. The college offers an undergraduate experience that weaves a traditional liberal arts curriculum into domestic and international educational experiences. Kalamazoo College is a member of the Posse Program and home of the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership. The campus is located in a diverse and vibrant city in southwestern Michigan, midway between Chicago and Detroit, on the ancestral, historical, and contemporary land of the Council of theThree Fires—the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi peoples. Kalamazoo College acknowledges the enduring relationship that exists between the People of the Three Fires and this land. The Kalamazoo area encompasses a community of 335,000, which supports several college and university campuses along with numerous civic arts and cultural associations, and is the home of the Kalamazoo Promise. Thirty-five miles from Lake Michigan, the area offers many opportunities for outdoor activities.
Completed applications received by May 15, 2023 will receive full consideration, with later applications reviewed as needed until the position is filled. Applications should include (1) a cover letter, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) graduate transcript(s) (unofficial is acceptable), (4) a statement of teaching experience and philosophy, (5) a statement addressing commitments, content, and pedagogical approaches designed to foster the success of underrepresented students, and (6) three letters of recommendation. (An undergraduate transcript will be required if candidates advance to the interview stage.)
Please have three confidential letters of recommendation sent in PDF format to ansoSearch@kzoo.edu with subject line in the format lastname_firstname