Community Standards Policies

Academic Freedom

The 2022-23 Kalamazoo College Academic Catalog includes a statement on Academic Freedom

Nondiscrimination Statement

The Kalamazoo College Staff Handbook includes a nondiscrimination statement. This is as follows:

An equal opportunity employer, Kalamazoo College is committed to equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal protection under the law. The College administers its programs without regard to race, creed, religion, age, sex, national origin, height, weight, marital status, and physical disability as protected by law, or sexual orientation. The College’s definition of sexual orientation proscribes discrimination based on a person’s heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, or gender identity, actual or presumed. Inquiries should be addressed to the Human Resources Director, Renee Boelcke (269.337.7248).

The Honor System

  • Kalamazoo College operates under an Honor System.
  • Academic Policies and Regulations: The Office of Student Development’s policies pertaining to student conduct in the classroom (including academic dishonesty and classroom behavior) can be found on their “Policies” website.

Harassment Policy

  • The college’s policy on Harassment applies to all students and all employees.

Title IX

Title IX protections and support are available to all students and all employees.

Prohibition of Intimate Relationships between Faculty and Students

The College has a policy prohibiting intimate relations between faculty and students as follows:

The faculty‐student relationship, however warm or collegial, inherently involves disproportionate power and influence on one side and is thus liable to abuse. A sexual relationship between a faculty member and a student can not only exploit this imbalance but inhibit the learning environment. For these reasons, it is the consensus of the Kalamazoo College community that sexual relationships between Kalamazoo College faculty and Kalamazoo College students are unacceptable and constitute personal and professional misconduct. Such actions may be considered adequate cause for termination under the Plan of Employment of the Board of Trustees.

Other Important Policies:

Human Subjects and Animal Research Policies

Faculty research involving human subjects must receive approval from the College Institutional Review Board (IRB). Faculty SIP advisors should also consider whether student research projects warrant IRB approval. Please refer to the College IRB Policy Manual and IRB application form for more information on IRB policies.

Computer Usage Policies

Kalamazoo College’s Information Services staff has developed a set of policies regarding computer usage. These may be found on IS Policies section of the Information Services website.